Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

Kalen pulled it from the box and slipped it on her left ring finger. “Kate Kennedy, when you graduate from med school, or any time before then if you become ready, will you marry me?”

The wait will soon be over, Everlasting Fate is almost ready for release! The final edit is now complete and ready for publishing.   

Monday, December 14, 2015

Love… Laughter… Family… Friends… Christmas Cookies

Happy holidays from the Finn Family.  It’s been a big year on the home front.  Here’s what we’ve been up to:

Shannon: This year Shannon spent hours searching for the perfect house in Florida to move the family.  We landed in the beautiful community of Haron Bay in Parkland Florida. He negotiated a great deal, lined up contractors and watched over the remodel.  At the same time he hired a wonderful Amish team to add a garage on at the lake house.  Now I have a warm, dry place to park my car when traveling north for work. 

On the work front, Shannon is still in the medical equipment business.  He opened a warehouse near the house and has been kept very busy.

As for fun, Shannon enjoys golfing with the boys and has started working out at the club house.  Every now and then, he amuses me and we go for a bike ride.  Taking full advantage of our new life, we all try to hit the beach once a week.

Wendi: I’m loving our new life and think I’m as “retired” as I will ever be.  I take advantage of my Florida days, enjoying lunch by the pool and getting in an outdoor workout every day.  Shannon got me a paddle board for my birthday, so I’m looking forward to getting in some miles on the ocean.  Every other week or so, I head north to my cozy lake house cabin in Ohio.  I love working with IS Security Solutions clients and catching up with friends and family.  I truly have the best of both worlds!

On the work front that I don’t really consider work, book #3 of the One Fatetful Night & Leap of Fate series is with my editor.  I’m planning on getting that out in time for Rio.  I still enjoy teaching on-line for Franklin and act as an Ambassador of Plexus products (because I use them, love them and get a great discount!)    

As for fun, I took an awesome trip to Glasgow with two wonderful life-long friends.  We had an amazing time touring the city, traveling to castles and watching Team USA win the gold at Worlds!

Kody:  Kody transitioned well. The boys love all the kids in the neighborhood that come outside to play. On any given evening or weekend, it’s not uncommon to see upwards of 10 boys playing in the neighborhood.

Kody joined a golf league and made some wonderful friends. Living in southern Florida, right on the course, he is able enjoy a lot of time on the greens.  He even took his mom once!  Next up, tennis lessons at the club!

Kody is doing very well in school. He is taking two high-school classes, so things have gotten much more interesting this year!  He’s handling it well and getting excellent grades.

Lucas:  Keep your eyes on the prize or it might disappear!  Lucas has taken up magic and loves it!  It is rare to find him without a deck of cards in his pocket or a trick literally up his sleeve.  It’s been a very fun hobby for all of us to enjoy.  Lucas is also playing soccer and has requested to take tennis lessons with Kody.  I love their interest in “lifelong” sports and activities.
Lucas has also made a number of great friends. His best buddy also moved here this summer from California. They met at soccer camp over the summer and are rarely separated on the weekends.

McKenzi: McKenzi is attending a military academy this year, and to our great relief, he loves it!  He enjoys the structure and loves the other boys.  The class sizes are very small, which has lead to him being successful in the classroom. Even in math!  He was reluctant to give the school a try, but after just three weeks he told us he would like to stay through middle school and maybe even high school.  He still loves his guitar and is looking forward to basketball season.  We are looking forward to having him home for the holidays.

Love to all,

The Finn Family

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Great Customer Service!

Most of you know by now, each year I try something new.  This year, in addition to simplifying my life, I am supporting good customer service and not returning to companies that are rude, disrespectful or don't take the time to train their employees (@Starbucks, McDonalds and Lowes).

Today, I was so pleasantly shocked by the service at GFS (Gordon Foods).  The store doesn't currently carry a granola bar Kody requested.  The manager, who greeted me when I came into the store, said he would call his sales rep to see if he could help.  Less than five minutes later, the manager found me in the store. He had a print out of two flavors he could order and had an inquiry in regarding the oatmeal chocolate chip variety.

What a great employee....

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Simplifying My Life

I became inspired while watching a very interesting news piece on some very successful individuals (Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.) The news piece discussed the reason they always seem to be photographed in the same outfit is because they wear nearly the same outfit everyday. These individuals are brilliant enough to identify how taxed they are with important decisions all day long.

I thought about this news clip throughout the day and realized how much mindless energy I waste each day trying to decide what to wear to work, what to wear to the gym, what to eat for breakfast and what to eat for lunch.  So I've decided to simplify my life!

I spent an hour tonight cleaning out my closet. I reduced my wardrobe to 5 suits, 2 dresses and 2 business casual outfits. I also kept 2 "going out in the evening" outfits available and paired up 7 outfits for the gym.  I've decided breakfast is going to consist of an apple with PB, while lunch will be a protein bar and salad.

Other ideas of how I could simplify my life? I'm open to suggestions!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Motivation Monday

Let's get moving! In case your Mondays are crazy chaotic like mine, I'm going to share a quick and effective 20 minute workout you can do in your own home. This is a "kid friendly" workout if the kids want in on the action (or if you can't take your eyes off them!)

What you will need: Yourself, clothes you can move in, athletic shoes and a piece of cardio equipment (elliptical, treadmill, jump rope, stairs or even the side walk).

  1. 2 minute cardio warm-up (if you are using the side walk, take a brisk walk out a minute and a half or so, then jog back).
  2. 2 minute wall squat (keep you back flat against the wall and make sure your legs are a at a 90 degree angle (so you thighs are parallel with the floor and your knees are directly over your ankle bones.) Don't let your knees sneak over your toes!) 
  3. 2 minute cardio kicking the pace up a notch or two. We are only doing a total of 10 minutes of cardio, so challenge yourself!
  4. 2 minute plank (on your elbows and toes with a flat back.... suck in your tummy!)
  5. 2 minutes cardio
  6. 2 minutes of push-ups (on your knees or toes; again suck in your tummy and keep your back flat!)
  7. 2 minutes of cardio
  8. 2 minute boat pose with twists (
  9. 2 minutes of cardio
  10. 2 minutes of side plank with hip dips. 1 minute on each side. You can do this raised on your hand for a big challenge or on your elbow for a challenge (
If you are working out with a buddy, which is a great way to workout, simply trade between the cardio machine and strength exercise. 

Thanks for reading!  I hope you will share my blog and post an inspirational workout of your own.  I love mixing it up!

Wendi Finn

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Let's Inspire

I love the feeling of inspiration, whether I have been inspired or have had the opportunity to be an inspiration. It's a feeling as if a step toward greatness has occurred. It's a feeling of happiness.

Each year I make a goal to try something new. This year's goal is to provide inspiration and to receive inspiration. Thus, I will need your help. With each posting, please share your thoughts, ideas and own inspirations.

I will start off with sharing the various "new" activities I have experienced over the years. In turn, please share some activities you recommend I try.

  1. I trained for a triathlon and ended up participating in two. The training was a great way to stay in shape but does require a lot of time.  Once the boys are old enough to participate, I will probably try another. ("Thank you!" Kelly Widder Sussey for being such a fun partner in training!)
  2. I ran a 15k with one of my best friends, Carrie Appell. I would do this again with a friend or one of the boys in a heartbeat. Working out is so much better with a bud.
  3. I took snowboarding lessons with the boys. Again, it's fun to spend time with the kids, but I did break my tailbone... so jury is still out on this one!
  4. I have tried a number of exercise classes:step, boxing, TRX, Spin, Body Pump, yoga, hot yoga (love it), extremely hot yoga (hated it) and boot camp. It's fun to mix it up. 
  5. I took guitar lessons with my littlest buddy. Very fun and I can now play Wild Thing with the best of 'em.
  6. I coached all my kids soccer teams (when they were 7 and really just needed disciplined fun).
  7. I've published three books (One Fateful Night, A Leap of Fate and A Beginner's Guide to On-line Security). I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned about writing, publishing, marketing and social media!
  8. Career wise, I took my own Leap of Fate in 2004 and started a company, IS Security Solutions, LLC. Ten years later, the company is still going strong.
  9. This year I joined the State of Ohio Audit Committee. It is a goal and ambition to join the audit committee of at least one publicly traded company. 
  10. Just recently, in a commitment to stay fit and healthy for my boys, I have joined the Plexus family.  I just joined last week, so I will have to keep you posted!
I am so fortunate to be surrounded by a husband, kids, family and friends who support and encourage my "Leaps of Fate." I am so thankful for their positive energy and willingness to get on board with my crazy adventures. Just last weekend, my mom placated my wishes by going parasailing on my birthday... another cherished memory!

Thanks for reading!  I hope you will share my blog and post more inspirational ideas... What should I try next???

Wendi Finn