Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Are you prepared?

Are you prepared for an emergency or a disaster? As I was being prepped for an emergency surgery, my husband and I quickly learned, we were not!  In this day and age, disaster recovery and business continuity don't only apply to the workplace. Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Keep documentation in a secured location (such as a lock-box). Include:
    1. A list of bank accounts,
    2. A list of investment organizations (personal investments, 401k, etc.)
    3. Passwords to computers and important accounts
    4. A current copy of trusts, wills, living wills, etc.
  2. At least twice a year, ensure the information above is current.
  3. Make sure you have an emergency contact who can access your secure location (and make sure they know!)
  4. Kids schedules and contacts (sitters, teachers, coaches, team managers, etc.).  While not critical, I would have gotten a lot more rest if my husband was able to figure soccer out on his own!
Just a few "lessons learned".  Enjoy!