Sunday, April 28, 2013


I had the honor and privilege to attend the National Association of Professional Women’s Annual Conference in New York on Friday. It was by far, the best training event I have ever attended. The keynote speakers and panelists were not only successful, intelligent and inspiring, but also down to earth. Arianna Huffington, Martha Stewart, Star Jones, DesirĂ©e Rogers, Sara Blakely, along with others gave it to us straight.
Here are just a few of the fabulous take-aways:
  1. Arianna Huffington shared how important it is for Corporate America to take care of their employees. Individuals will actually produce higher quality work, generate better ideas and be more efficient if they are happy, healthy and well rested. It is for this reason Arianna had two nap rooms built for her employees, a place for “siesta” and she is in the process of adding a third nap room. Just twenty minutes of rest can rejuvenate the body and mind.
  2. I was most impacted by Lesley Jane Seymour’s admission, “Ladies, we can’t have it all.” Star added to that by sharing the concept of juggling, at least one ball is always in the air! We can only divide our attention in so many pieces, so choose your priorities, focus and manage your priorities and let the others go. Don’t apologize, simply explain. Somebody brought up cookies for her child’s school project. She didn’t have time to bake dozens because she has chosen to have a career, but she bought 15 varieties of the bakery’s finest!  I loved Lesley’s point, “Children just want a happy mom.”
  3. Ladies, stop beating around the bush and just straight out ask! I am so guilty of this one. As women we tend to open with, “If you have time, If you don’t mind, Could you perhaps—and so on.” A studied was shared where a man got on the subway and asked for somebody’s seat. 70% of the time he got the seat without a single question. Amazing! If you need somebody’s time, support or opinion, simply ask. You have nothing to lose and it’s okay to hear, “no.” Don’t take “no” personally!  Odds are the other person feels bad for having to say no! I love this one!
  4. Take care of your body through exercise and healthy eating. I was shocked to learn one in every three women die of heart disease. Star Jones is an open-heart surgery survivor now advocating for the cause. One of the panelists mentioned how important it is for women to change the ways of Corporate America as we climb the ladder, rather than adapting to the broken ways that honestly don’t work for men either. Supporting Arianna’s point, the human body and mind need to be well rested, appropriately fueled and maintained to work at maximum capacity. I think it’s important to encourage a healthier life style and what better quality time with your children than a game of soccer, a jog through the woods or mountain biking?
In Arianna’s words, “Success is balance.”

Monday, April 15, 2013

Why write a novel?

During an interview I was recently asked why I wrote One Fateful Night. The answer to that question is three-fold, yet stems back to the same concept--gymnastics. Growing up in the sport I read anything gymnastics related I could get my hands upon. In the days prior to the internet, that wasn't much! I was basically limited to my monthly addition of International Gymnast and USA Gymnastics (where content was sparse and advertisement was plentiful.) Books with gymnasts as characters were even more pathetic. They might mention turning a cartwheel or two, but never got into details about the grueling workouts, strict diets or drive and determination required of a high level gymnast. Thus, most importantly, I felt there was an opportunity for a new story to be told. A story with a primary character who was a hard-core elite level gymnast.

Next, I wanted to share some concepts that hopefully will one day become a reality. For instance, in One Fateful Night, elite gymnast Kate is able to accept sponsors and endorse products while maintaining collegiate eligibility by putting the money in a trust. Unlike football, basketball, baseball, soccer and hockey, gymnastics is a sport where the opportunity to turn professional is before or during the college years. It saddens me to know these kids who dedicate there life and childhood are forced to choose between one experience or the other.

Last, I needed a new identity.  Gymnastics unfortunately is not a sport you can participate in "here and there." Firms don't have gymnastics leagues where colleges get together for a competition and then go drink some beers like they do for say softball. So after living 18 years of my life as a gymnast, I needed something else fun in my life. I am blessed to have such supportive neighbors, friends and a great family. They encouraged me to put myself out there and take A Leap of Fate (which happens to be the title of my second book, coming out soon!)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

One Fateful Night - Nook

Good news friends, One Fateful Night has been submitted for publication on Nook!  It should be a Nook book by the end of the day.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

This year's "Green Goal"

Those of you who know me well are aware that each year I challenge myself to become a bit more green.  Past endeavors have included:

  • Driving a hybrid
  • Converting to cloth napkins
  • Converting to cloth rags and sponges for cleaning
  • Frequenting more Farmer's Markets
  • Growing my own veggies (FAILED BIG TIME!!!!)
  • 1 "no gas" day each week
This year's Green Goal is to "shop local".  There are so many fantastic companies right here in Columbus Ohio. By supporting those companies we are supporting local families, the local economy and even the environment (by reducing shipping).  Here are just a few of my ideas:
  • Dining Out? Consider North Star Cafe, Monte Carlos, Bob Evans, Brio, Bravo, Cameron Mitchell Restaurants, Wendy's or White Castle.  Don't forget all the wonderful family owned restaurants as well!
  • Clothing Options: The Limited, Express, Abercrombie & Fitch and Victoria Secrets.
  • Food Choices: I will definately stick with the Farmer's Markets, but there are also great options at the store. Marzetti's salad dressings, Inn Maid Noodles and Sister Schubert's rolls are just a few!
  • Banking: There's an easy one! Chase, Huntington
  • Other: 31 Gifts and Cheryl's Cookies
Please share your favorite Central Ohio based companies!